Friday, November 18, 2011

Radio Show With Kathy Lee Parker

I had the priviledge to be interviewed by Kathy Lee Parker with L.A. Talk Radio.
In that interview I talked about why it is so important for us to know our Constitution, why the Founding Fathers were such great man and how we can make a difference!
If you would like to listen to it, please go to this website:

Monday, November 7, 2011

Murray Chamber!

I get the opportunity to speak to the members of the Murray Chamber at Eggs and Issues at the Mimi's Cafe on State Street and 5300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah
I am so excited!
It will be fun to share my passion for the freedoms this country grants us just for being citizens!
It will be on Friday the 11th of November at 7:30 a.m.
This shall be fun!