Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dictionary for the Declaration of Independence:

Abdicated: renounced; relinquished without a formal resignation; abandoned

Abolish: to make void; to annul; to end

Acquiesce: usually implying previous opposition, uneasiness, or dislike, but ultimate compliance, or submission; to give in

Annihilation: the act of reducing to nothing or non-existence

Appropriations: to set apart with a specific use of land, money, etc.

Assent: to concede or agree

Charter: a document giving powers, rights and privileges, either from a king or other sovereign power.

Colony: a body of people who leave their native country to a new land to develop and inhabit it remaining subject to their native country

Conjure: to call or summon in solemn manner

Consanguinity: family relation by blood; descendents from the same ancestor

Convulsion: any violent and irregular motion; tumult; commotion; as political convulsions

Depository: a place where anything is kept for safe keeping

Disavow: to deny to be true; to reject

Despotism: absolute power; authority unlimited and uncontrolled by men, Constitution or laws, and depending alone on the will of the prince

District: territory within given lines; a portion of territory

Endeavored: attempted; tried to; to have put effort into

Endowed: to be furnished with any gift, quality or faculty; to supply with

Evinces: to show in a clear manner; to prove beyond reasonable doubt

Executioners: one who executes; one who carries into effect a judgment of death; one who inflicts a capital punishment

Formidable: exciting fear or apprehension

Foundation: the basis on which anything stands, and by which it is supported. A free Government has its foundation in the choice and consent of the people to be governed

Harass: to weary; to fatigue to excess; to tire with bodily labor

Impel: to drive or urge forward; to press on

Institute: to establish; to appoint; to form and prescribe; to found; to originate

Liberty: freedom from restraint, applicable to the body, or to the will or mind. The body is at liberty when not confined; the will or mind is at liberty when not checked or controlled. A man enjoys liberty, when no physical force operates to restrain his actions

Magnanimity: greatness of mind; nobility of soul; someone above revenge or petty resentment

Mercenaries: one who is hired; a soldier that is hired into a foreign army, moved by the love of money

Migration: the act of removing from one kingdom or State to another, for the purpose of permanent residence

Mock: imitation; not real

Naturalization: the act of investing an alien with the rights and privileges of a citizen

Perfidy: the act of violating faith; a promise, vow or allegiance; disloyalty

Plundered: robbed; taken from; stripped

Province: a country belonging to a kingdom or State, either by conquest or colonization, more or less dependent on it or subject to it

Prudence: wisdom applied to practice; it implies caution in deliberating; it is sometimes mere caution Pursuit: the act of following with a view to overtake, to reach, accomplish or obtain

Ravaged: wasted; destroyed; to strip of money or goods by open violence

Rectitude: obedience to the rules prescribed for moral conduct; either by divine or human laws

Redress: relief; remedy; deliverance from wrong

Relinquish: to withdraw from; to leave; to quit

Sufferance: pain endured; misery
Tenure: a holding; the term or period of holding something

Transient: passing; of short duration, not permanent

Tyranny: is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression. Cruel Government; unresisted and cruel power

Tyrant: ruler or master who uses power to oppress his subjects

Unalienable: that cannot be alienated; that may not be transferred

Unwarrantable: not defensible; illegal; unjust

Usurpation: the act of seizing or occupying and enjoying the property of another, without right

Waging war: to make or to begin war; that is to go forward or advance to attack, as in invasion or aggression

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