Thursday, September 1, 2011


This blog was created so I could "talk" to people. I am an American by choice, I was born in Brazil and moved here at the age of 17 during my Senior year in High School. My aunts lived here with their families.

In 1986 I didn't speak English. I learned to speak and write so I could communicate in America, as all immigrants need to. Eventually I graduated High School, found a job and met my husband. We have a family of 4 great kids.

In 2001 I became an American Citizen. Holding a green card allows foreigners to do almost everything, except for holding a Federal job and voting. The Federal job didn't concern me, but the voting part did. I have an opinion and I can make it known as I go to the ballot.

Every American is born with so many priviledges, just for being born in the United States. A lot of people don't realize the freedoms they enjoy, because they always had it. The Constitution of the United States is a beautiful, inspired document. Hard to read, yes, however, it gives us rights and duties as American Citizens. In this blog I am going to be posting things that I found as I studied the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers and begining to really study American History.

I hope you will enjoy this journey with me! I am having a ball as I learn and I am sharing with everyone I can. If we don't understand the Constitution, we can't stand for it.

Come back and check my posts, quotes and thoughts. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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